MCAS-ES 2024

Peer Review Process

All papers published in this conference’s proceedings are subject to peer review conducted by expert referees appointed by the Editors. The peer review process employed is double-blind. Prospective authors are invited to submit their articles, which are then assessed by editorial teams. Evaluation criteria include relevance to the conference’s sub-themes, adherence to the conference’s format guidelines, potential plagiarism, originality, and language proficiency. Authors whose submissions pass this initial screening are given the opportunity to revise their papers based on feedback from the editors.

Papers with a high similarity score as detected by Turnitin (>25%) may not be accepted. Each paper is reviewed by at least two referees, who provide scores and comments that determine its acceptance. Accepted papers must undergo revisions according to reviewers’ feedback before being included in the conference proceedings.

Final manuscripts are reviewed by editors for proofreading and formatting adherence as per publisher guidelines. The assessment criteria for papers include relevance to conference sub-themes, adequacy of the abstract in providing an overview, inclusion of necessary background and references in the introduction, clarity of presentation and language usage, originality of ideas, strength of arguments and discussions, quality of images and tables, support of conclusions by results, and adherence to referencing style guidelines.

  • General Chair: Dr. Eng. Abdul Kadir Muhammad
  • Organizing Chair: Dharma Aryani, Ph.D.
  • Program Chair: Dr.Eng. Akhmad Taufik
  • Publication Chair: Vilia Darma Paramita, Ph.D 
MCAS-Engineering Science (ES) 2024, organized by Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang (PNUP)